Hey Mac User, do you miss Windows?

Viral Patel
4 min readFeb 28, 2022

I have started using MacBook Air as my daily driver since early 2021 (Couldn’t resist the M1 chatter). This was my first apple device, I don’t have an iPhone, watch or iPad. I had been using Windows for as long as I can remember, and got used to a lot of keyboard shortcuts and features, which I miss on Mac.

At times, I find it frustrating that I can’t use the same tricks, but Mac OS has its owns exciting features like tags in finder, two finger double tap, and trackpad tricks, which keep me engaged. Here are some tips and tricks, hope you find them useful.

Photo by Iewek Gnos on Unsplash

Delete or Backspace?

Have you wondered how delete key on Mac works like a backspace key on Windows. You have to move the curser on the back of the line or a word and start pressing delete. Try this,

fn + delete

This will make your cursor behave more like a Windows delete.

Copy and Paste is here but how do I Cut and Paste?

MacOS does not do Cut and Paste, but it has Move, that essentially does the same, move files from one folder to another.

Instead of Cut, use copy using Control+C and move using Control+Option+V or press Option when pasting the file using mouse, you will see an option that shows “Move”

Switch Command and Control buttons

Photo by hannah joshua on Unsplash

Windows laptop has Control button thats far away from spacebar, Mac keyboard has Command key, thats right next to Spacebar, but it’s not very ergonomically placed. This is how I switch Control with Command.


I haven’t found a way to do that in MacOS without using a 3rd party app.

Download Alt+Tab version 2.29

Split active apps to left half or right half, without going full screen

Split excel to left without going in full screen

If you want to do it like Windows (without going full screen)

Keep “Option” key pressed and hover over Green button. You will see an option “Move Window to the right side of the screen”

Zoom, not Enter full screen

Keep “Option” key pressed and hover over Green button, and select “Zoom”

View Path bar to show file location

Remember how Windows always shows you the location of the file in the address bar, so you know exactly where the file is.

Delete a file using keyboard from finder


Bonus Features

These features on MacOS specific, but they are very useful and deserve a special mention.

Space bar to launch Quick Look

This is not same as preview. Quick Look lets you review all kind of files, pictures etc and you can use arrow keys to go up & down, even back and forth.

Space bar while selecting a file from finder

Two finger double tap to do a smart zoom

It’s more useful than I thought.

Two finger double tap on a browser to do a smart zoom.

Hot Corners

You have been probably using this, but a reminder just because how cool it is.

PDFs in Preview

If you open a PDF using Preview, try these.

Control+1 to see single page in page width, Control+2 for single page, Control+3 for a 2 page view

Magnifier in PDFs in Preview

Press apostrophe (that is a ` on your keyboard next to number 1) when PDF is open in Preview.

Different backgrounds for different desktop

Right click -> Change Desktop Background

If you are a new MacOS user, and have been using it for a while, I hope you found at least one useful tip here.



Viral Patel

I code, I manage teams, I contribute, I learn everyday and write on some days. Passionate by making use of technology to achieve greater heights, for everyone.